Bishop Ireton provides an environment in which students are able to continue their growth outside the classroom. The Student Life Office works throughout the year to provide students with opportunities to be involved in the BI Community. Through clubs, students are provided the chance to explore their interests, enhance their leadership skills and expand their social circles. Through the wide variety of student events such as Spirit Week, Homecoming, Catholic Schools Week and 毕业舞会, students have the chance to celebrate our community together.
T在这里 is something for everyone at Bishop Ireton, and all students are encouraged to get involved. 作为圣. Francis de Sales wrote, “Be who you are, and be that well.” The Student Life Office is committed to supporting all our students in their passions and interests.Students can reach out to Assistant Principal for Student Life, Mr. 多兹 or Student Activities Coordinator, Mr. O’Keefe if they want to get involved, start a club or plan an event.